Saturday, September 18, 2010

piper paisley | BEFORE

I call these Piper's "before" pictures because very soon I'll be capturing her birth.
I can't say how excited I am about that!
I have been wanting to do this for so long and I am so blessed that mommy and daddy-to-be (for the third time), Christina and Brian are allowing me into one of the most amazing times of their lives!
That is not lost on me either.
But until then, here is Piper, all snuggled in her beautiful mama's belly!

Monday, September 6, 2010

my family | precious times

I just had to share some pictures I took this weekend of my family. We took a little road trip to Hartsville, SC where my niece, Kiersten (age 16) is attending Governor's School for Science and Mathematics. This is a residential high school for gifted students. We couldn't be more proud of her and excited for all that she has to look forward to.
My sister invited me and the boys and my parents down with her to see Kiersten's new digs.
(we missed our husbands)
While we were there, we spent some time at a botanical garden. Beautiful setting, but more importantly, family time.
As I was proofing some of these it struck me that these are the memories my boys will remember. These are the times they will look back on and feel that sense of family. This is what I want for them. This is what I had growing up. Outings that I still look back on and smile (or laugh thinking of my hilarious brothers and sister). A sense of family. A bond that can't be broken. Security. Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. We've got it all. And here's proof....
Drew taking a walk with Nana
Ty with his Aunt Amy and cousin Kiersten
cousins Kiersten, Michaela & Kyle with Zach, Drew (and his pine cone) and Ty
Ty started out climbing the stairs pretty well, but got kind of tired there toward the end.
In comes Michaela to save the day!
Kiersten with her Nana & Papa
(my mom and dad)
The boys
Kyle (cousin), Zach, Drew & Ty
My sister Amy and her beautiful daughters Kiersten and Michaela
Sisters walking through life.
I used a Lightroom preset called "laugh it up sister"...thought it was fitting for this...

I need to stop here for a second and note that this is not our whole family, by any means. Our husbands weren't here with us this day and neither were my brothers and their families. THAT would make family time complete. But with half the family on one coast and the other half on the other coast, it makes it hard. Now when we DO all get together, they better watch out because I will have years of pictures to make up for...and I will make up for all those years :)
Miss you John, Yvette, Nick, Noah, Jacob, Doug, Darlene, Logan and Shannon!

And now for some sweet photos of future photographers in the family :)
Zach posing Michaela...I just think this is priceless.
Zach taking a picture of a spider...
this is my rendition of what his photo might have looked like with a better camera.
My beautiful niece Michaela.
She's already entering photography contests.
So proud of her.

griffin | nine months

One of the pleasures of this business is to watch my clients kiddos grow up.
It's amazing to watch and a privilege to capture.