Thursday, November 11, 2010

{C} Family | mini session

Some people would look at this family and think "Wow. 3 boys!"
I look at them and can't help but smile, thinking "I know exactly how great having 3 boys is!"
They love their mommy. They can play rough with their daddy. And they have best friends for life!
Here are some sneak peeks from the {C} Family mini Session!


Unknown said...

Hope, I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!! Can't wait to see the rest!

I forgot to mention to you that Noah cut his bangs at school about two days before the shoot. As upset as I got about it, I'm glad I have these sweet memories of his first grade haircut :)

Karina said...

Great pictures! Melanie and Rhyno - you have a beautiful family! :)

Hope said...

I'm so glad you love them. And I didn't notice his bangs at the session but I did as I was proofing. It made me smile because my boys have done the same thing. It's classic and now it's captured forever :)